Interface Media Group
I started at Interface Media Group in Washington, D.C. in November 2021 as an Assistant Editor. In addition to helping editors set up their projects and providing assistance in other daily operations, I jump in on some editing projects where needed.
American Association of Political Consultants
Worked with Project Manager and Producer to cut down the various testimonials from friends and colleagues, as well as help the video content flow in a concise and humorous manner. Assisted with the motion graphics editing at the open and close of the video using After Effects.
Johns Hopkins Catastrophic Contagion Trailer
I was tasked with creating a "sizzle" trailer for an upcoming Johns Hopkins event- "Catastrophic Contagion, a high-level pandemic exercise" I pulled clips from previous pandemic training event footage and current edits from our editors. I worked with a project manager and our clients, working through multiple versions.
Johns Hopkins Catastrophic Contagion- The Value of Exercises
I was tasked with assisting in a cutdown 2+ hours of footage to 7 minutes of interview content about the importance of global exercises. I worked with a project manager and our clients to create this. I used After Effects to create all of the moving graphics.